Our Impact

Diversity Education

86.6% of the participants in a 2019 diversity education workshop we did for staff at the Center for NYC Housing, self-reported an increase in understanding of Islam and Muslims after the presentation.

“The prohibition of interest is Islamic finance is something I did not know before. This is extremely useful for referrals to homebuyer programs” 

“The 5 pillars and 6 beliefs, and Islamic financing will be useful in understanding the needs of Muslim homeowners.”

Civic Education

100% of participants reported “most proficient” in understanding protections that exist under NYC’s Human Rights Office after a presentation Civic Education by MCN.

“There’s an agency focused on human rights discrimination cases” 

“I learned about my rights and how to speak for myself and others” 

“Whenever you face discrimination you may file a claim and call 311 to call the NYC commission of human rights office”

Self-Defense Training

92.8% of participants reported “most proficient” after a workshop on self-defense techniques.   I learned:

“More about my rights and how to defend myself” 

“Using your voice and loosening your grip are part of self-defense” 

“How to protect myself when touched”


Trained 60 Muslim Youth Social Justice Leaders through our MY NYC (Muslim Youth NYC) Program